2022 CCHF Conference
April 7th-9th • Cincinnati, OH
Clinicians and Christian Community Health Fellowship (CCHF) clinics all over the country have experienced great stress for many reasons this past year. Amazingly, by the grace of God, most have also experienced growth and supernatural provision. While we are grateful for growth, growth carries its own set of stressors. So April 7-9, CCHF will be gathering for an in-person conference designed to encourage and refresh. In addition to our normal agenda, we plan to offer a series of sessions focused on encouragement and joy.
Graduate Students: If you see medicine as more than a career choice – as a calling to serve Christ – then these are your people. Using your career to serve God intentionally is the most fulfilling way to live your life. To help clinicians in training cover conference registration and housing expenses, CCHF has a Graduate Student Scholarship Program .Volunteers work as a team to help us run the conference smoothly by donating 5-6 hours of their time. Scholarship funds are donated by clinics and individuals who believe that God uses CCHF to mobilize students/residents to work in underserved areas in the name of Jesus. Click here and/or contact me for more information about how to apply for the CCHF Graduate Student Scholarship Program.
In addition to Susan and me, a group from His Branches Community Health Center will be going from Rochester and many others from Western NY, including folks from Jericho Road Community Health Center in Buffalo. In fact, our friend and colleague Dr. Myron Glick, founder of Jericho Road, will be the Plenary speaker on Saturday, April 9. Check out the Conference flyer and click here (and/or contact me) for more information.
We’d love to have you join us in Cincinnati in April!