Please see below for information on our last getting together for the semester. Also, the deadline for registration for the CMDA’s Northeast Winter conference is approaching (Dec 31st). The link to sign up is www.cmda.org/WCM/cmdaforms/ccm/newinterstudent.html
As most of you know, this is an amazing opportunity to get away with your group, relax, and grow in the Lord. This year’s theme is The Life Cycle of a Christian Doctor: Walking in the Way of the Great Physician, and our Speaker, Dr. Shari Falkenheimer will speak of her years of experience as a Christian in healthcare to share how God has faithfully led her and will faithfully lead YOU and your fellow Christians at your respective schools. The amazing small group sessions will return, and as always there is free time for studying (if you HAVE to) or activities like basketball, tundra football, and maybe ice fishing will return ;p. The cost for students is a heavily underwritten $100 and the conference center<http://www.sandycove.org/> is much more than a cabin in the woods! Find out all about it @ www.cmda.org/wc2014<http://www.cmda.org/wc2014> and don’t forget that for most schools this is a holiday weekend (MLK Jr. birthday). BTW, this is for all healthcare training students!
May you be filled with His peace and love this season knowing that our greatest gift is in Christ Jesus!
Blessings,Chanh & Andres
From: Schneider, Colleen
Subject: Decorate Christmas Cookies at Bible study this Tuesday at 7pm
It has been a fun semester of studying the life of David with you all. Whether this is your first time coming or your 10th time, you are welcome to join our celebration of Christmas at our last meeting of the semester. Come take a study break, decorate some Christmas cookies, and partake in an advent meditation as we wait expectantly for Christmas and the coming of Christ.
Details:Dec 17 from 7pm – 8:15pm
Colleen’s house: 178 Westmoreland Dr.