Hi everyone!
Hope you enjoyed the weekend! If you spent the weekend studying for Host Defense instead, then we hope you enjoy your evening of freedom! It was great seeing some of you at the Fellowship Lunch last week. Don't forget to RSVP for our upcoming events in the next 2 weeks! AND there is a children's ministry outreach opportunity that we could do together! Scroll down to #3 for more.
1. Pre-Easter Brunch!
When: THIS Saturday, April 7 @ 11am
Where: Friendly's – 2425 W Henrietta Rd Rochester, NY 14623
Please RSVP!!!
In your RSVP, include whether you need a ride or can give a ride. We'll be happy to pick you up! RSVP to Tiffany_Chi@urmc.rochester.edu or David_Paul@urmc.rochester.edu.
2. Student-Physician Spring Dinner – Sunday, April 15
Time: 6pm
Where: The Morehouses' home – 374 Wellington Avenue, Rochester NY, 14619
Please RSVP + if you need a ride
Mrs. Morehouse suggested that we prepare Scripture verses to give to the 4th years as encouragement, so be thinking of one in the meantime.
Instead of the usual Spring Physician Breakfast held in April, Dr. Morehouse and his wife are organizing a special dinner for students and Christian physicians from the greater Rochester community. We'll also be honoring the graduating 4th years. If you enjoyed the Missions Breakfast back in February, then you'll definitely want to be a part of this! Keep an eye out for emails from Dr. Morehouse in the coming weeks.
3. Outreaching Together! (NEW!)
Instead of the usual Spring Physician Breakfast held in April, Dr. Morehouse and his wife are organizing a special dinner for students and Christian physicians from the greater Rochester community. We'll also be honoring the graduating 4th years. If you enjoyed the Missions Breakfast back in February, then you'll definitely want to be a part of this! Keep an eye out for emails from Dr. Morehouse in the coming weeks.
3. Outreaching Together! (NEW!)
What: Bethel Express children's ministry
When: Saturday morning, April 28 (tentatively)
We have an opportunity to volunteer at a children's ministry at Bethel church for inner city kids. We would spend time with school-aged kids hanging out, sharing about our faith, and sharing our testimonies. Breakfast would be included! If you're interested in participating, please email either Tiffany or David
4. CMDA National Convention – April 26-29
Who: Med students and residents from around the country
When: April 26-28
4. CMDA National Convention – April 26-29
Who: Med students and residents from around the country
When: April 26-28
Where: Ridgecrest Conference Center – Asheville, North Carolina
God bless,
Tiffany & David
The Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) is having its largest student convention ever starting on Thursday, April 26. Please let us know if you're interested in attending–and don't forget to register.
God bless,
Tiffany & David
Tiffany Chi, MS2
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
601 Elmwood Ave, Box 56