Chris Borghi-Cavallaro writes:
It is with great joy that I am writing to tell you that this June I will be returning to House of Hope Nicaragua with two fellow Rochesterians: Natalie Masco and Kara Fink. Natalie is a family nurse practitioner and an instructor of nursing at St.John Fisher College, and Kara is a wonderful young woman from my church who will be serving in the capacity of a logistics person. The team still has a need for the following positions: 1. One pastor. 2. One doctor. 3. One Dentist. 4. One pathologist and/or Cyto-technologist to stain pap smears/read pap smears on site. 5. More logistics people. 6. We also don’t have a trained eye glass dispenser (see note below). Keep this up in prayer as well. God has been so faithful to supply all of our needs. Anyway, those are the pressing prayer needs at present. If you know anyone who would be interested, just have them contact me, or pray about it yourself and sign up for our team!!! 🙂
Thank you for your faithfulness, care and support.
Note: There is a course called “Eye Doc in a Box” that has been put together by an optometrist who has done over 20 mission trips in his life. During this course, he teaches folks how to do basic eye exams, and how to check vision, thus enabling the dispensing of eye glasses to folks. He has a whole live course as well as a DVD course and he sells kits for folks to use. SO, if any of you have always wanted to be an eye doctor, and have just never gotten around to going to optometry school or medical school, and you would settle for being more of a technician who does a basic exam and dispenses glasses, then check out http://www.eyedocinabox.com/ You could give sight to the poor in more ways than one!