We warmly invite you to our Fall
Christian Physicians Breakfast
September 18th, 2010, 9-11 am
at the Rochester Academy of Medicine, 1441 East Avenue
Walking alongside:
Teaching Medicine in the Congo
Dr. Mark Shelly
Mark is an Infectious Disease specialist practicing at Highland Hospital who will be sharing from his personal experience in the Congo.
RSVP by September 15th
to susan@harpsongs.com or 436-1628
Cost $10 for students and $15 for community caregivers,
payable at the door
payable at the door
(Please note: MCCF ends up paying for “no-shows”)
MCCF Missions Breakfast Flyer: www.grmccf.org/events/MDbreakfasts/9-10break.htm
Online Response Form: www.grmccf.org/response.htm
Rochester Academy of Medicine: www.grmccf.org/events/academy.htm
MCCF Activities: www.grmccf.org/activities