Living the life of Christ openly in the Medical Center
W e are a group of Christians in the health professions, primarily medical students, associated with the University of Rochester Medical Center who gather regularly for fellowship, prayer and study. URMCCF has been active for over 45 years encouraging us in our personal faith as well as helping us identify and participate in community service projects and missions experiences abroad.
T he vision of URMCCF is to encourage students in the medical profession and associated disciplines to grow closer in their relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ amidst the demanding pressures of rigorous schedules and intensity of work by gathering regularly in fellowship, identifying with mentors, and promoting commitment to a local church throughout the years of school.
E ach year God raises up new leaders to pick up the baton and carry it the next lap. First year students come in and join the group, following those who have led the way in the upper classes. By the time students reach their clinical rotations in the third and fourth years, leadership has passed to first and second year students. Somehow a wonderful continuity of vision and purpose always develops.