Hi all,
We have an update about the upcoming Winter Missions Breakfast on Saturday Feb. 4 from 9-11am. If you're interested in medical missions, it's a great opportunity to hear about what local physicians are doing abroad and to network with Christian doctors in the Rochester area. It normally costs $10 for students, but one of the presenters for the breakfast has offered to pay for any students who would like to come but cannot afford it. If you fall into this boat, then contact Susan Morehouse at susan@harpsongs.com by Wed. Feb. 1. And don't forget to RSVP!
Quick summary:
When: Sat. Feb. 4 @ 9-11am
Where: Rochester Academy of Medicine, 1441 East Avenue
If you need a ride to the breakfast, contact Tiffany or David.
Tiffany & David
Tiffany Chi, MS2